Applying Work Permit In Viet Nam

Apply work permit in Vietnam

Work permit is a paper issued by the Department of Labor,  Invalid and Society, issued to individuals who hold foreign nationality when such individuals meet the conditions for working in Vietnam . It is valid for a period maximized to 24 months (2 years). After it is expired 45 days; foreigners can renew for a new work permit.

I. Conditions


Under the provisions of Decree No. 11/2016/ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Labor Code on foreign laborers working in Vietnam, the employer may apply for a Work Permit for foreign workers work in Vietnam when they meet the following conditions:

1 / Having full civil act capacity as prescribed by law

2 / Have good health in accordance with job requirements

3 / As managers, executive directors, specialists or technical workers

4. Having a practicing certificate in the case of doing a job requiring a practicing certificate

5 / Not being the offender or being examined for penal liability in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law and foreign law

6 / Approved in writing by competent state agencies on the employment of foreign laborers.

Thus, in order to be allowed to work in Vietnam, foreigners must meet all the above criteria. However, how can we prove that we meet the above conditions? Foreigners wishing to apply for a work permit in Vietnam should have all the necessary documents as follows:

II. Required documents

In order to prove that they meet the conditions to apply for a work permit for a foreigner in Vietnam, individuals must have the following documents, if any documents are missing. State agencies shall issue a written refusal:

1 / Passports and visas in Vietnam: Proof of full civil act capacity as prescribed by law. Is the first condition of the above conditions.

2 / Health certificate (meet requirement under Circular 14/2013/TT-TTBYT): Proof of health in accordance with job requirements (Condition No.2).

3 / Documents proving that the manager, executive director, expert or technician (Condition No. 03), including documents as follows:

  • Proof of proof is the Manager, CEO.
    Enterprise managers include: private enterprise owner, partnership member, chairman of the Members ‘Council, member of the Members’ Council, chairman of the company, chairman of the board of management, member of the governing board The director, general director or individual holds another managerial position in the name of the company entering into the transaction of the company in accordance with the charter of the company.

Thus, in this case, the foreigner must have a document proving that he / she belongs to the cases mentioned above.

  • Papers proving to be experts, technical workers
    Experts and technical workers are persons with university or higher degree or equivalent and have at least 03 years of working experience in the specialized field trained in the position of work which expected by the foreign worker in Vietnam.

Thus, in this case the foreigner must have: University degree and confirmed 03 years experience working abroad. In particular, university degrees, certifications of years of experience and positions expected to be made in Vietnam must be consistent.

For example: a university degree in finance – accounting, the certificate of years of experience and location intended to work in Vietnam must also be a job in finance – accounting.

4 / Having a practice certificate in the case of work requiring a practice certificate (Condition No.4):

For example, if you want to work in Vietnam in some professions that require practice certificates, such as lawyer, foreigner must have a practicing certificate.

5 / Criminal Record: Prove that you are not a criminal offender or prosecuted for criminal liability in accordance with Vietnamese and foreign laws (Condition No.5).

6 / The employer must have a document approving the position of employment of foreign workers (Condition No.6)

In order to use foreign workers in their enterprises, the employer must explain the demand for employing foreign workers and be approved by the State agencies.

Note: All documents prepared in foreign countries must be legalized and translated into Vietnamese and notary.

Note 2: If your labor doesn’t have University degree, they must have specialist certificate to replace (attached sample). If they don’t have, contact us to know more information.

III. Service for applying for work permit for our foreigners in Vietnam


We always understand that customers will come to us when encountering difficulties. Therefore, the services we provide will be services that can handle the most difficult cases, supporting customers who do not have the necessary documents.

The work we will do:

  • Advice on conditions, procedures, as well as implementation process for customers to have a preliminary view.
  • Evaluate the conditions the customer has met, the customer conditions are lacking.
    Drafting of documents.
  • Assist the customer to complete the missing documents.
  • Represent the customer for the necessary procedures.

Job execute time:
In case that customers have full necessary documents, working time for applying work permit for the foreigner in Vietnam is: 10 working days.

Service fee to execute job:
In case that customers have full necessary documents, legal service fee for applying work permit for the foreigner in Vietnam is: 250 USD

Note: In case Customers do not have enough the necessary documents, working time and legal service fee will be changed.


Contact us to know more information



Address: No.51 Kim Ma Street, Kim Ma Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi 

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